When you call JLH TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD customer service, your call will be immediately answered by a customer support specialist. No phone tree with complicated number prompts or voice-activated system. Our #1 industry rated customer support team is made up of real people, who know their way around circuit boards. They're available every day of the week, and take pride in providing you with an exceptional level of service. Our support team is here to partner with you and to assist you with all your questions.
Don't like using the phone? We offer Live Chat and Email Support too. All inquiries are answered promptly (typically within minutes) in the order they are received.
Headquarter:Building 1-108,tongfang Creative park,shajing street,Ban'An disctrict,shenzhen,Guangdong 518104 China
JiangXi Factory:Building 12th~13th, Xinfeng Industrial Park, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province
Got project ready to assembly? Contact us: info@ALPCB.com
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