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Aluminum substrate manufacturers teach you to better understand aluminum substrates

time:Feb 15. 2022, 15:25:45 Views:236

The good heat dissipation performance of the aluminum substrate makes it widely used. Let the aluminum substrate manufacturers introduce the aluminum substrate in detail below.

  1. Features of aluminum substrate

   1. Using surface mount technology (SMT);

  2. In the circuit design scheme, the heat dissipation is extremely effective treatment;

  3. Reduce the operating temperature of the product, improve the power density and reliability of the product, and extend the service life of the product;

  4. Reduce product volume, reduce hardware and assembly costs;

   5. Replace the fragile ceramic substrate to obtain the best mechanical durability.

Aluminum substrate manufacturers teach you to better understand aluminum substrates(图1)

  2, the structure of the aluminum substrate

  Aluminum-based copper clad laminate is a metal circuit board material, composed of copper foil, thermally conductive insulating layer and metal substrate:

  Copper foil: the copper clad laminate equivalent to ordinary PCB, the thickness of the circuit copper foil is loz to 10oz.

   Thermally conductive insulating layer: The insulating layer is a layer of low thermal resistance thermally conductive insulating material.

  Metal substrate: generally aluminum-based copper clad laminate and traditional epoxy glass cloth laminate.


  1. The circuit layer (ie, copper foil) is etched to form a printed circuit to connect the various components of the component. Generally, a large current-carrying capacity is required, so a thicker copper foil is used, the thickness is generally 35μm~280μm;

  2. The thermal insulation layer is the core of the aluminum substrate. It is generally composed of a special polymer filled with special ceramics. It has low thermal resistance, excellent viscoelasticity, thermal aging resistance, and can withstand mechanical and thermal stress.

  3. The metal base layer is the support member of the aluminum substrate with high thermal conductivity. It is generally aluminum plate, but copper plate can also be used. It is suitable for conventional machining such as drilling, punching and cutting.

  3, the use of aluminum substrate

   1. Audio equipment: input and output amplifiers, balanced amplifiers, audio amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, power amplifiers, etc.

   2. Power supply equipment: switching regulators, DC/AC converters, SW regulators, etc.

  3. Communication electronic equipment: high-frequency amplifiers, filter appliances, and transmission circuits.

   4. Office automation equipment: motor drives, etc.

   5. Automobile: electronic regulator, ignition, power controller, etc.

   6. Computer: CPU board, floppy disk drive, power supply unit, etc.

  7. Power modules: inverters, solid state relays, rectifier bridges,

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