time:Jan 04. 2022, 17:48:31 Views:247
For any electronic product, it is a very harmful thing to not get heat when it is heated. This is not only for the product but also for the person. If the electronic equipment heats up without finding a way to dissipate heat, the equipment temperature will continue to heat up, which will directly cause the components of the equipment to be effective due to overheating; severely, it will cause the equipment components to explode. Therefore, there must be a good way to deal with the heat dissipation of electronic PCB circuit boards, so let's take a look at those technical points.
1. When designing the PCB in the project, the power distribution is evenly distributed. The uniform distribution is because if the power is concentrated, it will be prone to heat and heat dissipation, which will affect the circuit board. use. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid PCB hot spots as much as possible when designing.
2. Design some components with high power consumption to a place where heat dissipation is easy, and avoid the middle position as much as possible. Because the PCB circuit board will need to assemble a lot of components during assembly, if components with high power consumption are installed inside, then some small parts around will also generate some heat, which will make it even more difficult to dissipate heat. Therefore, it is necessary to design the components with high power consumption in a position where heat dissipation is easy.
3. On the components, distinguish which ones are low calorific value, poor heat resistance, high calorific value and good heat resistance. For example, large-scale integrated circuits and power transistor bodies, such as those with high heat generation and good heat resistance, should be designed to be placed downstream of the cold air flow. And like electrolytic capacitors, small-scale integrated circuits and small transistor bodies are those with low heat generation and poor heat resistance. These can be designed above the cooling airflow.
The above points are some tips about PCB heat dissipation that I will tell you today. If you need to purchase and learn more about PCB circuit boards, remember to contact us.
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